Top Open House Rules and Etiquette that Everyone Should Follow

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When attending an open house, it’s important that you follow certain rules and etiquette. Here are the top rules that you should always follow. By doing so, you will not only make a good impression but also avoid any potential awkwardness.

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1. Do your research
Before you attend an open house, it is important to do your research on the property. This will
ensure that you are as informed as possible and can ask the agent questions relevant to the

2. Be respectful
When you are attending an open house, it is important to be respectful of the property. This
means no smoking, eating, or drinking inside the home. You should also avoid making too much
noise so as not to disturb the neighbors.

3. Be courteous
Remember that there are other people attending the open house and be courteous to them.
This means not blocking doorways, not being too loud, and not walking into someone else’s
personal space.

4. Ask questions
An open house is a perfect opportunity to ask the agent any questions you have about the
property. This will help you get a better understanding of the home and whether it is right for

5. Leave your contact information
When you attend an open house, make sure to leave your contact information with the agent.
This way, they will be able to follow up with you and provide you with any additional information you may need.

6. Follow up
Once you have attended an open house, make sure to follow up with the agent. This will show
them that you are interested in the property and may help you get a better deal.

What Should you Expect from an Open House?

Generally, an open house will last for around two hours. During this time, you will be able to
view the property at your own pace. The agent will be on hand to answer any questions you
have and provide you with information about the home.

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Things You Should Look Out For?

When you are attending an open house, there are a few things you should look for. Firstly, take
note of the condition of the property. This will give you an idea of how much work may need to be done if you were to purchase it. Secondly, pay attention to the layout of the home and whether it would suit your needs. Finally, make sure to ask the agent any questions you have so that you can get a better understanding of the property. By following these rules and etiquette, you will make a good impression and ensure that you have a pleasant experience at the open house.

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